Monday, June 15, 2009

Sam's House!!!

Finally! Colorado has come! I got to spend a whole week with Sam! I was soooo glad. It was great time to catch up with all my friends and just have fun on my own little vacation... I went to the races that were held at the Fairway, went to the lake with some other friends and Sam's older sister Stephanie, and just got the chance to meet some new people and finally have Dairy Queen! Can you believe that there isn't a close one where I live! Its crazy! But I finally got my fix. :D Here is a picture of just chillen in Sam's room. We didn't take much pictures. Too much fun!

Last Day Of School

This is Gema(Left), Angie(Middle), and me(Right.)

Well, summer is finally here! May 22nd was our last day of school and I am going to miss everybody!! It has been an amazing year. I had so much fun and I had great teachers. I won't forget this year. Here are some pictures of the last day of school.

What a lovely picture^. Haha.

Awh! Arn't they cute together?!:D

Ali's Last Week

Hey everybody. I haven't posted in sooo long. I have a few things to write about... First is my best friend, Ali, moved to California. I was sad that she was gonna be gone, but we are working it out:) I miss her like crazy. I hope to see her soon. Here are some pics on her last week in Arizona.

Ali is the one on the far left. I love this picture of my two best friends and I. <3